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Binocular Vision Dysfunction

Binocular Vision Dysfunction, or BVD, is a serious eye disorder in which one eye sees the world differently than the other eye.

The resulting incompatibility between both eyes can cause double vision or blurry vision, and trying to compensate for the disorder can result in headaches, dizziness, trouble reading and concentration, learning disorders, anxiety and general inability to use your eyes as they are intended.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms and suspect you may have BVD, you should get checked out immediately by our optometrists in Mascoutah.

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Do You Have BVD?


Talk to Your Doctor About Double Vision and Vertigo

Suffering from BVD means your life is harder to live, plain and simple, and why should you have to put up with that?

If you are experiencing eye trouble that is compromising your standard of living, talk to your Mascoutah eye doctor about double vision and vertigo today.

In a nutshell, BVD is a condition in which your eyes are not aligned to one another, which results most commonly in double vision and vertigo. Some signs that you might be experiencing this disorder include:

  • Multiple trips to eye specialists without any noticeable improvement in your condition
  • Concussion or traumatic brain injury, following which these symptoms appeared
  • ADHD, dyslexia or other learning disabilities which may indicate the presence of BVD
  • Headaches, dizziness or anxiety over short or extended periods of time
Read More About Eye Strain and BVD

Prisms and Lenses to Treat Your Eye Care Problems

Take the Adult BVD Test
Take the Pediatric BVD Test

Our eye doctor in Mascoutah can help you overcome the symptoms of BVD by first conducting a comprehensive exam to assess your overall vision and then prescribing you a treatment that will correct the problem.

In addition to treating BVD, we also can help if you suffer from other issues such as dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration, astigmatism, farsightedness and diabetic retinopathy. Our eye doctor can also help you address eye infections or other temporary vision problems.

Because the problem with BVD is that your eyes are not in line with one another, many doctors take the eye care approach of creating prisms in glasses or lenses, through which the image your eye sees will be bent, creating an effect of alignment between both eyes.

When properly adjusted and fitted, prisms can effectively displace the image that one eye sees so that it matches up perfectly with the other eye and you no longer suffer from double vision or the other issues of BVD.

If you believe this eye care treatment might be helpful to you, ask us about it today.

Your Trusted Optometrist in Mascoutah

If you want quality Binocular Vision Dysfunction care, you should make the Mascoutah Eye Care your trusted Neuro-Visual Specialist in Mascoutah.

To make an appointment with either our optometrist in Mascoutah, please contact us or call 618-566-6270 or reach out through our website. We would be delighted to help you out today, so don’t hesitate.

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What Patients are Saying About Mascoutah Eye Care
Read Our Reviews
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    If you think that you might have Binocular Vision Dysfunction, please fill out this Questionnaire and submit to us after completion.
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    Keep Up-To-Date with our Binocular Vision Dysfunction Blog!